Showing posts with label digital marketing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label digital marketing. Show all posts

Thursday 29 June 2023

Why digital marketing is essential for Small Businesses.

In today's increasingly digital world, businesses are recognizing the immense power and importance of digital marketing. The traditional methods of advertising and reaching customers have evolved significantly, and companies must adapt to stay relevant. Digital marketing has emerged as a game-changer, offering businesses the ability to connect with their target audience, increase brand visibility, and drive tangible results.

Digital marketing is important because it connects a business to its customers when they are online and is effective across all industries. It connects businesses with ideal customers through SEO and PPC on Google, social media marketing on social media, and email marketing.

Every business needs digital marketing. It is essential that you understand the benefits of digital marketing for businesses, which include:


One of the primary reasons why digital marketing is essential is its cost-effectiveness compared to traditional marketing methods. Traditional marketing channels, such as TV, radio, and print advertising, can be expensive, especially for small and medium-sized businesses with limited budgets. On the other hand, digital marketing offers a range of affordable options, such as social media advertising, search engine optimization (SEO), and email marketing, which provide an excellent return on investment (ROI).

Digital marketing allows businesses to allocate their budgets strategically and target specific audience segments. Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising platforms, such as Google Ads and Facebook Ads, enable businesses to set budget limits and pay only when users click on their ads. This level of control ensures that businesses are spending their marketing dollars wisely, reaching the right people, and maximizing their chances of conversion.

Measurable Results 

Unlike traditional marketing methods, digital marketing offers the advantage of measurable results. With digital marketing tools and analytics, businesses can track and analyze various metrics, gaining valuable insights into the performance of their marketing campaigns. They can measure website traffic, user engagement, conversion rates, click-through rates (CTR), and much more.

Analytics tools, such as Google Analytics, provide comprehensive data on audience behavior, allowing businesses to understand their customers better. This data-driven approach enables businesses to make informed decisions and optimize their marketing strategies accordingly. They can identify which campaigns are delivering the best results and adjust their efforts to improve performance, ultimately driving higher ROI.

Targeted Audience Reach 

Digital marketing allows businesses to reach their target audience more effectively than ever before. Through various digital channels, such as search engines, social media platforms, and email marketing, businesses can precisely target specific demographics, interests, behaviors, and locations.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a crucial aspect of digital marketing that helps businesses improve their website's visibility on search engines like Google. By optimizing their website with relevant keywords, creating high-quality content, and building authoritative backlinks, businesses can increase their organic search rankings. This targeted approach ensures that businesses are visible to potential customers actively searching for their products or services.

Social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn, offer sophisticated targeting options. Businesses can create highly specific ads tailored to their ideal customer profiles, based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and even past interactions with their brand. This level of precision ensures that businesses are reaching the right people, increasing the chances of engagement and conversion.

Increased Customer Engagement 

Digital marketing provides businesses with numerous avenues to engage with their customers and build meaningful relationships. Social media platforms, in particular, offer a direct line of communication between businesses and their audience. Through social media marketing, businesses can share valuable content, respond to customer inquiries and feedback, and create a sense of community around their brand.

Engaging content, such as blog posts, videos, infographics, and interactive quizzes, can captivate and educate customers, keeping them interested and invested in a brand. By fostering a sense of community and actively participating in conversations, businesses can build trust, loyalty, and advocacy among their customers.

Additionally, email marketing allows businesses to reach customers directly in their inboxes. By sending personalized and targeted emails, businesses can nurture leads, share relevant information, and promote special offers. Email marketing automation tools enable businesses to deliver timely and personalized messages based on customer behavior and preferences, further enhancing customer engagement.

Adaptability and Optimization 

One of the significant advantages of digital marketing is its inherent flexibility and the ability to adapt and optimize strategies in real time. Unlike traditional marketing campaigns that may take weeks or months to plan and execute, digital marketing allows for immediate changes and adjustments.

Digital marketing campaigns can be monitored and optimized continuously. By analyzing real-time data, businesses can identify underperforming campaigns, keywords, or ad placements and make necessary adjustments. This agility enables businesses to optimize their marketing efforts, ensuring they are constantly improving and maximizing their ROI.

Furthermore, A/B testing is a common practice in digital marketing, where businesses compare two versions of a webpage, email, or ad to determine which performs better. This data-driven approach enables businesses to refine their marketing strategies, making data-backed decisions to enhance their results continually.


In conclusion, the facts speak for themselves – digital marketing is essential for businesses in today's digital landscape. Its cost-effectiveness, measurable results, targeted audience reach, increased customer engagement, and adaptability make it a powerful tool for achieving business objectives.

By embracing digital marketing strategies and leveraging the vast array of tools and channels available, businesses can connect with their target audience more effectively, build brand awareness, and drive tangible business growth. Whether it's through search engine optimization, social media marketing, content creation, or email marketing, digital marketing provides businesses with the means to stay competitive, reach new heights, and thrive in the digital age.

Get Started Today with IncNeeds

Are you ready to see the difference that digital marketing can make? The team of digital marketing experts at Digital IncNeeds would love to help you discover the power of these online marketing tactics. Contact us today for a digital marketing consultation and to see how you can get started.

Monday 12 September 2022

Is LinkedIn Marketing Worth It? Important Factors to Consider

With over 830 million members worldwide, LinkedIn, launched in May 2003, has become the most trusted and successful social media platform for B2B marketing. There was a time when LinkedIn was considered a platform only for job seekers where they could connect with potential employers or for working professionals looking for career development opportunities. However, today it stands as a major network that is part of the broader social media strategy of almost every business. Generating leads, networking with other businesses and building brand awareness are just a few of its many benefits. Read on to learn more about the key factors of effective LinkedIn marketing.

Should You Use LinkedIn to Market Your Business?

LinkedIn marketing is basically a term coined for the process of using this platform to promote a business or individual by creating a page or profile. Since LinkedIn is not only the most desirable B2B social media platform but also one of the major players in content marketing, it helps to make people aware of your brand, drive traffic to your website and create new business connections. Going by business statistics, here are three interesting facts to know about this platform:

  1. LinkedIn is 277% more effective in lead generation than Twitter and Facebook.
  2. Every week 50 million people use LinkedIn to find jobs, and 6 people are hired through it every minute.
  3. LinkedIn drives over 46% of social traffic to B2B sites. LinkedIn is recognized as the most trusted source of content, with 98% of content marketers using the platform, specifically for B2B marketing and lead generation.

LinkedIn, if used wisely, can open up many opportunities for businesses, individuals, and marketers. Let us now look at the factors that need to be considered to get the most out of this device.

LinkedIn Marketing: 6 Factors to Consider to Make the Best Use of LinkedIn.

1. Profile optimization is the key to successful marketing.

Now, this may sound completely basic, but in reality, it is a necessary step. Bland profiles can be a pet peeve for many people. Even if it's as trivial as a good-quality profile picture, everything matters when it comes to your LinkedIn profile. It should speak for itself. So what are you waiting for?

Go and beautify your profile - if you're a business, showcase your employee's achievements or celebrate that new recruit, give your followers good coverage of how you're giving back to the community, or Highlight how your business is unique and different from others. And well, if you are an individual, then market yourself by adding your experience, relevant skills, and expertise. Also, try to make your page SEO-friendly by including important keywords and hashtags in your profile.

2. Take advantage of all LinkedIn features.

Like other platforms, LinkedIn also offers free as well as premium memberships. However, with the help of unique features like Premium Career (simplifies the job search process), Sales Navigator (useful for generating leads and clients), Recruiter Lite (for finding and hiring talent), and Premium Experience Promise One The latter is better. Business (helpful in finding business insights that will ensure business expansion) and LinkedIn learning (for honing skills and developing new ones), even the former can prove to be great marketing tools.

Through the Basic account, one can connect and interact with other users, receive unlimited Inmail messages, request and provide recommendations, save up to three searches weekly, and Similarly. like. , can receive alerts. Therefore, making the most of all these features is the roadmap to influencing marketing on LinkedIn.

3. Publish content that adds value.

LinkedIn marketing is not only about posting promotional material to boost a company's sales, but it is also about publishing content that creates awareness, and guides, inspires, or entertains audiences. Since Connections has the option to share more of your content, it serves a larger purpose which is expanding your reach.

Such engaging content will ensure that your audience is engaged and sees you as the source of all relevant information related to the industry. This will also increase the visibility of your brand and allow you to evaluate what works and what doesn't – these metrics can be easily analyzed by the amount of likes/comments/shares your post receives.

4. Involve your stakeholders.

Involving your stakeholders, such as your employees or customers, can also rev up your marketing game. Ask your employees to add the company's website to their profiles, inspire them to create and share content, and highlight their achievements. Similarly, customers may also be encouraged to share their reviews or experiences about staying connected with you. This will automatically expand the reach of your business again.

In addition, there are a lot of LinkedIn groups (designated pages allow like-minded people with shared interests or in the same industry to exchange ideas and interact with each other) where active participation is also a win-win situation for both the corporates and their employees. 

5. Consistency is important.

Being consistent when posting content is just as important as publishing it in the first place. It doesn't need to happen on a daily basis, but you do need to be consistent enough for the audience to really anticipate your posts, whether it's once a week or multiple times. On top of this, it will show your connections that you are active and practically 'one email away' as many customers may prefer to reach through social media. Thus, make sure you post regularly to gently remind the audience of your active presence. And here's a tip - post at least once per day, if not more, especially during working days, preferably in the morning.

6. Try different methods.

Use LinkedIn Boosting to enhance your content which will further expand your reach. You can promote a post if you are launching a new product or if a big corporate event is in line. It can certainly increase engagement. Another approach could be through LinkedIn ads - this targets the audience directly, and you don't actually need to wait for them to reach you; In fact, you go to them. This is a great way to generate leads.

Similarly, showcase pages on your main page are more like subpages, where you can highlight a specific event, product, or service. Plus, becoming familiar with LinkedIn reporting tools can help you measure conversions, analyze performance, understand audiences, and track large opportunities. If that's not your cup of tea, hire an expert to do it for you. Try to make the most of this world's largest professional network.

Ground level

It is clear that LinkedIn marketing should be a strategic priority for all businesses, and it would be a very important thing to miss out on the opportunities it offers due to the unavailability of time or resources. Considering the above factors, this work can be easily outsourced to take advantage of this platform.

Friday 26 August 2022

6 Must Have Strategies for Your 2022 Marketing Strategy

marketing strategy 2022

Believe it or not, 2022 is here. Are you ready for the changes ahead? Digital marketing continues to grow in leaps and bounds. Today it is important for every business to have a plan. But the digital world changes so quickly. How can your business run?

That's why we are covering the top 6 essential strategies for your 2022 marketing strategy. All these strategies are easy to implement and result-based.

#1: Leverage an Organic Social Media Presence

At this point in time, we all know that advertising on social media is valuable. But in 2022 it will be necessary to set up an organic social media platform. An organic presence builds trust and intimacy with potential and existing customers in a way that paid to advertise cannot.

Here's how to establish an organic social media presence:

  • Share content on your social media platforms at least 2-3 times a week
  • Focus on value-based content
  • Show on video via Instagram Live, Reels, Tiktok, or Twitter to build trust

#2: Save time with automated messaging

Time. We can all use more of it! If you're not taking advantage of canned responses and automated messaging, you're burning hours of your day. Responding to messages on social media accounts or email inquiries is a repeat requirement for every business. Make the most of your time by crafting awesome canned or automated responses that apply to specific inquiries.

Here's how to implement automated communication:

  • Make a list of repetitive questions that you get on a daily basis
  • Create a great response to each of these inquiries
  • To apply these reactions to your Facebook and Instagram, check out Meta's automatic response feature. Add these responses to your email's predefined responses as well.

#3: Leverage Your Online Following for Market Research

First-party data will be king in 2022. Digital marketers will not be able to target customers for years using third-party data. Instead, you need to find ways to build lasting relationships with the customers who interact with you online and leverage them for market research. Your email campaigns and social media materials can be perfect sources for this research.

Here's how to use your customers and followers for market research:

  • Track links to your content to follow what customers are most interested in
  • Communicate with your customers and followers as insiders within your company. Ask for feedback using questions like these:

#4: Build a referral program

Did you know that people are 90% more likely to buy from a company if their friend recommends it? Word-of-mouth marketing is essential for a small business. More than 80% of Americans say they'll look for referrals from friends when they shop. One of the best ways to encourage this as a small business is to create a referral program.

Here's how to create your own small business referral program:

  • Keep it Simple with an Attractive and Clear Call to Action (CTA)
  • Encourage customers to share with a friend
  • Make it easy to share referral links on social media
  • Check out these examples of successful referral programs

#5: Focus on User Experience

Our digital world is full of advertisements. Customers are longing for more than a catchy advertisement, it is an exceptional user experience. And small businesses are in the perfect place to stand out as unique. In 2022, improve your user experience by following the customer's journey with your brand from introduction to purchase. As customers become fans of your business, a great user experience will increase your word-of-mouth referrals.

 Here's how to stand out as a business by creating a unique user experience:

  • Outline each stage of the relationship with a client who may not have any information to recommend your business, including:
  • being aware of your brand
  • Comparing you with other businesses, taking into account your services and products
  • retail store
  • Relationships and customer loyalty after purchase
  • Becoming a Brand Fan and Advocate

  • Ask "How can we improve the user experience through each of these steps?"

Keep all communication and interactions unique, personal and clear

#6: Stay on target with exceptional content on fewer channels

Here's another tip to help you save time and energy. As a small business, it can be challenging to identify which online platform to use. The number of online platforms today (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube, to name just a few!) can make digital marketing feel like a wild goose chase. Choose at least 1-3 channels to focus on in 2022.

Here's how to choose the right platform for your business:

  • Start your business today. ask:
  • Which channels are we currently on?
  • From which channels have we got success?
  • What type of content (video, images, text) works best for our brand?
  • Then review the list of social media and online platforms. ask:
  • What type of content (video, images, text) is this platform focused on?
  • How long does it take to create content for this channel?
  • On which channels are our competitors successful?

Why not stick to the 2021 Marketing Tactics?

Running a business requires a lot of moving parts. It can be very tempting to strategize once and stick to that strategy for years. If this is you, beware: you are getting old in a fast-paced digital world. What worked yesterday will not work today or tomorrow.

Make your life easier: Check your marketing strategies regularly. As the world evolves, it becomes easier and easier to make small improvements. It is challenging and confusing to go back through months or years of online development to completely revamp your marketing strategy. Introduce these simple tips to your marketing strategy meeting for 2022. Try these marketing strategies once, and come out on top. 

Wednesday 27 July 2022

Top Digital Marketing Trends in 2022: Latest Trends You Must Know

Digital Marketing Trends

Keeping up with the latest digital marketing trends in the industry is a necessity for professionals who want a future in digital marketing.

With the pace of change and the expansion of the scope of digital marketing every year, every digital marketing agency has to continuously invest time and energy to develop its skills and learning.

By being well-versed in how algorithms work, new changes or features will benefit you first and create the most effective marketing campaigns for you and your company.

Earlier, Voice Search Optimization and Artificial Intelligence these concepts were formidable, but currently, these latest digital marketing trends are among the major concerns for most business owners.

We have also covered some digital marketing trends predictions that will dominate the industry in this year 2022 and which will be used by the digital marketing companies in India. So make sure you read till the end.

Here are the Top Digital Marketing Trends of 2022:

Voice Search Optimization:

According to Review42's research on voice search, they found that 55% of teens use voice search every day. Its mass adoption by the entire generation shows how popular voice search is going to be in the future.   

Voice search, a feature we've been getting with our smartphones around 2014, has a few reasons to go ahead in a big way this year. First, the acceptance of smart speakers is increasing. 20% of households have bought smart speakers like Amazon Alexa or Google Home. The adoption of fully voice search-controlled devices is a big indicator of how used people are to this new behavior.

Secondly, Google claims that they have achieved 95% accuracy with their Voice Search. With the higher accuracy of search, the ease of use factor for voice search has increased. Now the process is personalized and engaging, with improved accuracy to match what you ask for, and the ease of using your voice to achieve results.

Third and most important, it is estimated that by 2022 50% of all online shopping will be conducted through good results. This is a huge $40 billion opportunity for digital marketers. With many growth factors indicating the rise of voice search, preparing your website for voice search will be essential for the foreseeable future.

Programmatic Advertising:

Programmatic ad buying is the use of software to purchase digital ads. Whereas the traditional method involves human interaction, and requests for offers, and quotes, programmatic shopping uses algorithms and machines to purchase ads.

Programmatic advertising is when AI is used to automate so that advertisers can target more specific audiences.

Automation is quick and efficient which ultimately increases conversions and reduces customer acquisition costs.


Chatbots are considered one of the top digital marketing trends in 2022, AI-based technology using instant messaging to chat with customers and site visitors. It is designed to communicate with customers by textual or auditory methods.

Businesses can take advantage of the use of chatbots to connect with customers. Since there are many simultaneous users on a website, it is beneficial to have technology that responds to hundreds of users at once. The benefits of having a chatbot are 24/7 customer service, quick response to inquiries, and answers to simple questions.


If you want to outperform your competitors and make a mark in the market, you should focus on personalized content, products, emails, etc. Privatization is the next big trend that will soon become an industry standard.

According to research:

  • 63% of consumers are angry that brands keep destroying generic advertising messages over and over again.
  • 80% of consumers say they are more likely to do business with them if the company provides them with a personalized experience.
  • 90% of consumers claim that they find personalization attractive.

The best examples of understanding the power of personalization are Amazon and Netflix, they have recommended movies individually for each user. Here are some other examples of brands currently increasingly using personalization:

Starbucks: Starbucks has introduced a gamified mobile app that tracks customer visits, customer purchase history, and their location. This personalized app allowed customers to customize their drinks, and it enabled them to receive rewards. The 'rewards system' feature on the app itself boosted revenue to $2.56 billion.

Automated and personalized email marketing:

As the name implies, automated email marketing is automatically sending emails to your customers based on a trigger or schedule you set up.

Email has always been the most reliable channel of digital marketing. Promotional emails are a great way to reach your customers and let them know what your organization has achieved or any sales you are having.

Yet largely due to the overuse of email tactics, most people have stopped responding to promotional emails. Personalized email is a great way to bring your customers' attention back and build a more engaged customer base.

Influencer Marketing:

One digital marketing trend that is about to explore new horizons is definitely Influencer Marketing. The concept of influencer marketing is very static and yet, the market feels saturated. So here's how it could change in 2022 and the next few years.

The hype about macro-influencers is not well appreciated by all audiences. The difference between true influencer marketing and staged influencers is beginning to be clearly visible. So, to take the more authentic route, companies will now use micro-influencers as well as their employees and consumers to social proof.

They can be the best brand advocates and can influence people with their genuine stories and feelings. Not that there will be any macro-influencers in 2022, but micro-influencers are likely to overtake them.

Video Marketing:

Video marketing is also one of the top digital marketing trends in 2022 and is likely to be on top in the years to come. Here are some statistics that will demonstrate the importance of including a video in your digital marketing current trends list.

according to research:
  • 72% of businesses say video has improved their conversion rate
  • 70% of consumers say they have shared a brand video
  • 52% of consumers say watching product videos gives them more confidence in online shopping decisions
  • Video content is 50 times more likely to attract users than plain text.

One of the issues faced by marketers in recent years was displaying long-form text on mobile screens, as it becomes very difficult and tedious for users to read them. 

International Advertising:

Digital marketing has opened global doors for every business. Now you can run ads in different countries and capture global markets. This is one of the most popular digital marketing trends because now you get to increase your audience at the same or less cost. Yes, that is correct. In some countries, you will be able to run ads at a much cheaper cost than in your own country. Thus, international advertising is a trend that is going to pick up soon.

Instagram Reels:

There is good news for Instagram reel marketers and content creators. Especially since TikTok was banned in some countries, reels have acted as the best replacement.
The good news for digital marketers is that reel is providing more than twice the engagement rate as compared to posting a normal video.

As a marketer, you can use this feature to showcase different types of content such as informational content, the organization behind the scenes, product reviews, etc.

A classic example of this is Instagram reels from Louis Vuitton, they are high quality, stunning, and very innovative. Each reel of Lois Vuitton has gone viral with an average of 5M views!
An effective reel and video content strategy are essential to attracting and retaining the attention of your customers in 2022.

User Generated Content:

People like to participate in activities, especially those related to their favorite products or services. User-generated content or UGC uses this enthusiasm of the customer and inspires them to create something of their own with the respective product and share it with the world.

UGC campaign runs on creative submissions by the customers of a product or service as per the challenge or indication given by the company. This strategy is so effective that UGC posts enjoy a 4 times higher click-through rate than normal promotional campaigns.

UGC is a great strategy for two reasons. First, it drastically reduces the time, effort, and resources required to run a campaign. UGC campaigns gather a pool of high-quality promotional material, all of which are presented at no cost to the organization from the client. Secondly, UGC enjoys a 28% higher engagement rate than normal posts, as posts from an unpaid subscriber have a much higher trust factor.

Whatsapp marketing:

WhatsApp marketing is considered to be one of the biggest and most widely used digital marketing trends in 2022. WhatsApp has completely changed the way businesses reach and engage with their customers. You can now message individually on an app that is used by all age groups and which is always checked several times a day. And you won't kick out a customer because you'll reach them through a WhatsApp Business account that helps them trust you and the credibility of your business.

Geofencing (Location Based Marketing):

Geofencing is a location-based service marketing in which an app or other software program uses text, social media advertising, email, or app notification. When a mobile device enters or exits a geographic boundary, it is known as a geo-fence.

According to research:

  • Mobile ads with geofencing have double the CTR (clickthrough rate)
  • Geofencing is adaptable with 92% of smartphones.
  • 90% of SMS are read within 3 minutes.
  • 53% of shoppers went to a retailer after receiving a location-based message.

Local SEO:

Hyperlocal SEO is a digital marketing trend that is very helpful for start-ups as well as small businesses. It has never been easier for small business owners to be able to harness the power of digital marketing to acquire customers.

The most amazing thing about this hyperlocal focus is that it gives businesses the ability to build a strong regional market for themselves. With voice search results, people writing very specific queries can easily find a way to reach you. This is a great relief for traditional businesses and especially small business owners.

The algorithmic update is huge, yet it is very easy for everyone to use and be able to implement on their websites.

According to Search Engine Watch, the main tool needed to implement your hyperlocal SEO strategy is to get a Google My Business account.

Quora Marketing:

Quora has always been perceived as a question-and-answer platform with very limited advertising or monetizing ability. Yet experts like Neil Patel write lengthy answers there to gain traction from audiences. This platform has become a recent favorite of Google, and digital marketers in 2022 need to incorporate a comprehensive strategy around Quora.

The charm of Quora marketing is the fact that it is done by individuals. Individuals carry more trust when compared to a brand because there is a human touch to the interaction and the audiences feel they are talking to a fellow person. This personal connection is what makes Quora such a great trend to follow in 2022 because the audiences are tired of listening to mass marketing by brands. Individuals, answering people’s genuine questions, makes marketing more genuine and trustable.

Social Media Stories:

In 2013, Snapchat introduced Stories of Snaps with a life span of 24 hours, which users could share with their friends as well. Later in 2016, Instagram came up with 'My Stories', which was the first platform to adopt Snapchat success stories. Facebook adopted Stories for its platform in 2017.

The use of micro-videos, content, and images really helps leverage the brand in real-time, which is a great way to increase engagement among audiences that establishes the authenticity of your brand. Brands should consider having suitable CTAs that will create a genuine connection with the audience.

Some of the benefits of social media stories are as follows:

  • Take Advantage of Snapchat Geofilters
  • increased engagement
  • increase in website traffic
  • Consistent engagement with followers
  • Increase in brand awareness
  • effective cost
  • Opportunity to reach the younger generation

There are a few ways brands can take when posting stories:

  • Take Advantage of Snapchat Geofilters
  • add location tag
  • Add mentions to other brands and your audience
  • use polls in Instagram stories
  • Add links to social media stories
  • Try live video when creating stories
  • Invite followers to explore more with a clear CTA

Personalized SMS Marketing:

It may not sound believable, but personalized SMS marketing is still playing with the top digital marketing trends. A lot of conversions can be achieved when SMS is sent with personalization, deadline, or any other kind of urgency.

Google Ads Smart Bidding:

There is serious competition between brands and businesses to rank high on Google search results. However, getting indexed on the top results through SEO requires a lot of effort and time. An alternative to this is paid for advertising, this makes it easier for marketers to rank at the top, so it is considered a credible digital marketing trend in 2022.

Benefits of smart bidding include:

  • advanced machine learning
  • Wide range of contextual signals
  • flexible display control
  • transparent performance reporting

Interactive Content:

Interactive content is content where the audience actively participates, rather than passively watching, reading, or listening.

When it comes to measuring effectiveness, interactive content has proven to drive traffic to websites, educate users about a brand, and increase conversions. In this way, interactive content gives marketers the ability to track interactions and better determine success.

Listed below are statistics that support this:

  • 53% of all marketers report using interactive content.
  • 93% of marketers agreed that interactive content is effective in educating their buyers
  • 88% of marketers said that interactive content is effective in differentiating their brand from their competitors
  • 33% increase in the number of interactive posts

B2B Digital Marketing Trends:

The communication between two different businesses is called B2B communication. There are several upcoming technologies set to change the way businesses function and communicate with each other in 2022. Here are some trends that will transform B2B digital marketing in 2022.

  • blockchain communication
  • Consolidating the Overly Large MarTech Stack
  • Affordable, Theme-Based Websites
  • Focus on meaningful data, not vanity metrics

The future of digital marketing is very promising and full of opportunities. With the continuous development in the field of technology, digital marketing is evolving by leaps and bounds. Thus, anyone who wants to make a career in digital marketing is on the right track. Even for someone who is a business owner and wants to integrate digital marketing, the future will demand digital marketing as a necessity, and thus now is the right time.


We hope this blog on Top Digital Marketing Trends in 2022 has been an interesting read for you! Tell us your thoughts in the comment section below.

Tuesday 19 July 2022

10 Tips for Choosing the Best SEO Agency for your Business

SEO agency in DElhi
SEO Agency

Are you a business owner? If so, you are probably well aware of how important digital marketing is to your business. SEO, SMO, SMM, And PPC are part of digital marketing. SEO plays an important role when it comes to getting website traffic and ranking high in search engine results.

An SEO agency helps you optimize your website content, backlink profile, and other onsite and offsite factors for higher organic search engine rankings. So whether you are looking for the Best SEO agency in Delhi or are just starting out, it is important to know how to choose an SEO agency that optimizes your SEO performance. To help you out, here are 10 steps to take when choosing a marketing partner.

1. Set a Clear Goal

Before hiring an SEO agency, you need to set clear goals as to why you need SEO services in the first place. Your goals should be in line with a company-wide marketing strategy.

2. Create an Estimate Budget

The most important thing when choosing an affordable SEO agency is to set a clear budget. An affordable SEO agency should be chosen not just because it offers affordable prices but also because it can provide quality services. Choose an agency that can give you the most value for your hard-earned money. It would be better to pay for high-quality services than to pay for mediocre results.

3. Identify the Techniques Used by SEO Agency

To assess the effectiveness of an SEO agency, a good question to ask is, "What are your key SEO performance indicators?" The agency may not be able to provide all the details and features due to client confidentiality terms, however, they can show some evidence of how good they are at their job. After all, professional SEO agencies track and measure campaign results because it allows them to refine techniques and strategies until optimal results are achieved.

4. Research and Comparison

For companies that want to increase their online presence and increase sales through an online search, it is necessary to consider various search engine optimization (SEO) aspects. SEO marketing helps businesses increase their online visibility, generate more traffic, and ultimately drive more sales and revenue. To find the best SEO agency for your company's respective SEO marketing needs, you need to research and compare SEO agencies.

5. Always Look for Reviews and References

If you do not want to be a victim of fraud by any wrong agency, then before hiring any service, definitely check the reviews given about it. Your small vigilance can save you from big losses.

6. Beware of SEO Guarantees

Search engine ranking results (SERPs) vary based on various factors. It is almost impossible for anyone to guarantee specific SERPs. An SEO agency cannot control these factors, and can only use its own algorithm. Beware of SEO agencies that guarantee results, as some of them may go for black hat techniques, which may boost initial SEO, but will be harmful from a long-term perspective.

7. Demand for complete transparency

The SEO agency you choose should be willing to provide complete transparency in the technologies they use, the backlinks they create, the processes they follow, and the tracking they do. Also, they should confirm that they do not use any black hat SEO techniques.

8. Go Through Past Projects

 Website owners with market experience know that they need to check references and previous projects to be able to choose the right SEO agency. But, how can a novice know which SEO agency is right for their business needs? The past project records of SEO agencies can be the deciding factor if you want to choose the Right SEO agency.

9. Check their knowledge about the latest updates

Search engines regularly update their ranking algorithms, which may sometimes require changing SEO techniques. When you talk to SEO agencies, make sure they are aware of the latest search engine ranking algorithm changes so that they stay ahead of the game.

10. Understand Appropriate Timelines

Implementing SEO strategies can do wonders for your SERP ranking but it takes time to do so. If you are hoping for an SEO miracle in a few weeks or months, you are bound to be disappointed. SEO strategies take time to start ranking on search engines. So, when you want to hire an SEO agency, have realistic expectations because good things come for those who wait.

Wrapping Up

SEO is a vast, complex, and ever-changing process. This means that it should be left to the experts rather than an amateur or inexperienced practitioner, which is why agencies exist and why they are so essential to any successful website.

Now is the time to choose the right SEO Agency for success, and a trusted partner like IncNeeds can do that and maybe even more.

IncNeeds offers a comprehensive SEO strategy that not only embraces on-page SEO and keyword research but also focuses on technical SEO and content optimization. IncNeeds team of experienced SEO experts will make sure that your website is what people would love to see and search engines would like to find and crawl.

Ranking and traffic are key performance indicators. With IncNeeds' SEO strategies, your website can see a top-ranking, increased traffic and leads, and improved sales and revenue.

Taste the fruits of success with IncNeeds!

Friday 1 July 2022

Learn how a Good SEO strategy increases your website's traffic.

Search engine optimization can seem daunting for a startup business. In fact, achieving website ranking amidst heavy competition and a large pool of online content is no easy feat. However, SEO is an essential part of any marketing strategy that cannot be missed by a business. The right strategy, actions, and best SEO practices can elevate your website's visibility to a higher position and keep you in the search engine rankings. Being a start-up, you want to fast-track growth and make an impact on search engine rankings, but remember SEO can make or break your business online. 

There is a lot of data available. The truth is that, even though there are hundreds of factors at work, what has been proposed is the best guess. Furthermore, not every firm will be affected by all ranking elements.

The strategic aspects of SEO are fairly straightforward.

Know your list of keywords

The most important part of the SEO strategy is to list the keywords. During this phase, you’ll begin to target particular keywords in your content. Your keyword tool can help you come up with 5-10 more long-tail keywords related to each of your pillars.

Use targeted keywords in your website page URLs

You may use your long-tail keywords to build blog articles or web pages that describe the particular themes inside the pillars that you have chosen. All of your long-tail keywords form a solid core around which you can build your site’s content. For search engines to link consumers with the information they’re searching for; search algorithms rely on the connections between clusters. Therefore, linking keywords on URLs have a better chance of ranking.

Make a list of topics.

A perfect SEO strategy begins with choosing accurate topics. While keywords are still an important part of SEO, they aren’t the initial step toward establishing sustainable development. Instead, the first thing you should do is write down the topics you want your content to cover, and then you can start writing.

Are you looking for Professional SEO Services in Delhi?

Write for humans first and search engines second.

Get a detailed SEO marketing strategy from experts if you have a hard time understanding it. Yes, SEO rules are important, but what’s the point of a ranking if people aren’t staying on your page? Content should always be engaging. Remember to communicate with your readers in your blogs.

Build pages for each topic.

When it comes to websites and search engine rankings, getting a single page to rank for many keywords may be almost difficult. When creating pillar pages, think of them as a table of contents, where you describe the primary issue and provide visitors an overview of related topics that will be discussed in subsequent pieces.

Start by putting up a list of about ten words and phrases that describe your product or service. Search engine optimization tools like Google’s Keyword Tool, Ahrefs, SEMRush, or GrowthBar may help you find relevant keywords, determine their search volume, and then come up with a variety of keyword variants relevant to your company’s offerings.

Our Professional SEO Experts can build pages for you! Contact us for price details.

Write High-Quality Content and Content Design

Quality Content is the main pillar of every SEO strategy. However, how can you know whether your material is of excellent quality? As far as I know, this is the same for your customers. So what is quality content, and how can you ensure that your material is up to snuff? Don’t worry; you don’t have to be a Hemingway-level writer to accomplish it. You can develop high-quality content that your readers will like reading if you concentrate on the proper elements.

How can you know what excellent content is?

  • Writing for your audience, not yourself, is the most important rule to follow regarding content creation.
  • Think about the searcher’s aim and your end objective before deciding.
  • Be trustworthy
  • Maintain the freshness of your material.

Pay attention to Google algorithm updates.

SEO strategy in digital marketing requires periodic algorithm updates. For example, according to most experts, Google’s search algorithm is said to be altered between 500 and 600 times a year. That equates to one to two times every day. Although most of these changes will not substantially impact the SEO environment, certain modifications are important and may transform the way we write for SEO.

Create a link-building to Your Page

Create an SEO marketing strategy for link building. While the subject cluster approach is a good place to start for SEO, it isn’t the only option available to you after your website’s content has been developed.

Link-building is the fundamental goal of off-page SEO, which we covered in our first five phases. When you develop connections to your website from other websites on the internet, you engage in link-building. As a general rule, links from high-authority websites have a greater influence on your search engine results.

Compress media files before uploading them to your site

The more photographs, videos, and other material you add to your blog or website as it develops, the better it will be for your readers. It is easy to overlook the fact that these images may be enormous, even though they aid in retaining the interest of your site’s visitors. The amount of the media assets you upload to your site has a significant impact on your site’s rating, so keep an eye on it.

For an internet browser to see your website, the file size must be less. Mobile browsers, whose bandwidth is much lower, have difficulty rendering these graphics. Therefore, your website will load more quickly if its file size is less.

Before submitting photos, videos, or gifs, use a compression tool to minimize their size.

Stay up-to-date on SEO news and best practices.

SEO strategy could be very tricky, and also you should usually live updated with the present-day trends. Here are a few suggestions to live up to date with search engine optimization information:

  • Join Groups and Discussion Boards on LinkedIn and various sites.
  • Follow Business Personals on social media and keep your news feed up to date.
  • Stream Podcasts
  • Take a Look at Some SEO Webinars and Videos on YouTube

Measure and record your content’s success.

Keep an eye on your metrics to see how successful your approach is and where you may make adjustments.

Use your chosen web analytics tool to track organic visitors or construct your dashboard using Excel and Google Sheets. It’s also important to keep track of indexed pages, conversions, and ROI and your position on search engine result in pages (SERPs).

Remove anything that slows down your site.

SEO strategy in digital marketing is basic and a key to branding without wasting money. Organic search ranking requires a lot of effort and patience. Do not let plagiarised content or content with errors prevent your SEO ranking. Remove everything that slows your website down

Optimize For On-Page SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) that takes place entirely inside the website itself is referred to as on-page optimization (On-page SEO). Measures to enhance the meta description and title tags are good examples. Therefore, on-Page SEO is the best solution for E-Commerce sites.

Why are you still here? Get top-rated SEO services with flawless results at Incneeds Technology.

Wrapping up!

Search engine optimization does now no longer ought to be a complex undertaking. An organized, clinical method can optimize your internet site for seek engines. There are 4 most important aspects of search engine optimization that you must pay attention to.

Our serious aim is that this blog will help you to narrow down on clutter, grow your search engine rankings, and drive extra income from organic search.

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